Sunday, 28 December 2014

Those of Ghosts

Jayna slid the bolt-lock home with a clang and dropped to the ground, listening to the man dying on the other side of the shed door. His gurgling was intensifying, so much so that Jayna was worried he was not getting weaker as she'd hoped he would, but actually getting stronger with the sheer disbelief and rage that this 16-year-old girl could defend herself against him.

I didn't just defend myself, she thought, with a bitterness that shocked her. I gave more than I was getting.

She'd left the shard of glass in the soldier's throat.

Finally, after what seemed like far too long, the gurgling ceased abruptly. Jayna waited for another minute before gently standing back up and peaking out through the window beside the shed door. The soldier lay on the ground with his helmeted head resting against the wood of the door, legs splayed out in a large V from where Jayna was looking. Blood circled the entire upper half of his body, soaking slowly into the dark ground. Jayna allowed herself one cursory glance at the gore of the soldier's neck, before turning away in disgust.

She walked away from the door, further into the large farm shed, and put her hand to her mouth. The sobbing was uncontrollable, and the tears followed with a force she was powerless against. She leaned against one of the wooden pillars, which disappeared up into the darkness of the loft ceiling, and cried. She kept her eyes closed, allowing faces to float up in her mind: Jake, her little brother, screaming and reaching out for her as the soldiers lifted him up into one of their vans; her mother, wailing on her knees for the loss of her children, whom she presumed were dead; her father, the betrayor.

Faces like those of ghosts: memories that were still new, but ready to be freshly mourned.

* * *

They'd come in the night, as they'd been making a habit of doing. The civil war that had been initiated by the Potestas Party was still ongoing, though they were acting as if they had already won. For the last three months, they had been rounding people up -- seemingly at random -- and taking them away to the camps that had been set up without anyone's prior knowledge. The government claimed surprise at the existance of the camps, but everyone found that a little hard to believe.

There had been endless fighting for most of a year, but Conrad's Potestas Party was everywhere now, and he had assumed control. People hoped that they would not get taken, and continued to fight regardless of how outnumbered the civilians were. There were shootings in the streets, nightly raids, attempted protests (which never lasted long), and an overall sense of fear that would never go away.

However, among all the chaos and terror, small pockets of resistance existed in dark corners of the city and its outskirts. No one ever came right out and spoke of them, but most people were aware of them in some way. There were those who claimed it was all just hopeful nonsense, but most believed they were there, planning a way to stop the Potestas Party before they could claim total victory. There was quiet talk of these resistance groups, but there were also markings, and it was these that cemented in people's minds the idea of hope. The markings were left on signposts and back doors, on postboxes and traffic lights. It was the head of an eagle, but soft-focused so as to look ethereal and ghost-like; the word "Aquila" was branded underneath it.

There was hope and rebellion already, and people were preparing to fly on its wings before they were forced to give up.

* * *

A fierce rapping on the other side of the farm shed shook Jayna out of her rumination. Her heart jumped up into her throat, stifling her tears. Her breathing came in quick gasps, and she moved to the opposite side of the pillar, hoping to remain hidden. It was dark, but some light from fires outside shone traitorous strobes throughout the inside of the shed. Jayna tried to remain still and silent, but the last of her sobs betrayed her.

More knocking, still from the far side of the shed. Whoever was out there was walking back and forth, looking for a door. There wasn't one on that side, but there were more windows, through which Jayna caught glimpses of a silhouette. It strutted one way and then the other, but didn't continue around to the front of the shed, for some reason. Jayna couldn't figure out why. If it was a soldier, there was no reason for him to shy away from the main road --

Unless it's not a soldier.

The realisation hit her, and she stumbled a little at the strength of it. Of course, nothing was certain, but there was a possibility it was just another civilian looking for any survivors.

Or for a young, vulnerable girl to take advantage of, she thought.

Then, on the heels of that: You just killed a man. No one's taking advantage of you.

This thought gave her some confidence. There was the evidence right outside that she wasn't easily messed with. She'd done it once, and she was certain she would be able to do it again, if the situation arose. She would need some sort of a weapon, though. Glancing around the dark shed, her eyes rested on a large pitchfork on the ground near the side where the silhouette was patrolling. She'd have to just go for it.

You're going to have to leave here at some point anyway, she thought, wiping the tears from her face.

She stepped out from behind the pillar, bending down low. The silhouette had stopped at one of the windows, but wasn't trying to look in. This was nearly worse, as Jayna had no idea of what to expect from him. This wasn't normal behaviour for someone who was presumably trying to get into the shed.

Without thinking anymore, Jayna ran low towards the pitchfork. She grabbed it in one swift movement and slid under one of the windows, trying to push as much of her body up against the wall as possible. She held the pitchfork in a tight grip, but her hands were becoming sweaty, slippery.

The silhouette's footsteps crunched the soil just outside from where Jayna sat. Her shaking was uncontrollable, though she prayed for it to cease, for her body to please just help her this one time.

The footsteps stopped.

The window above her head smashed to pieces. She raised her arms above her to block as much of the falling shards as possible, but she could feel her hands and arms getting scraped. Something grabbed one of her wrists and dragged her up and out through the window with an ease that was terrifying. Her whole body was thrown in an arc up and over, then down onto the cold ground with a thud. She went to let out a scream, but a gloved hand pressed firmly down over her mouth. Another arm held her down across her abdomen.

His face was young but his eyes spoke of age and experience. Jayna stared into their grey irises and was certain this man would bring about her death. She'd tried her best, but there was nothing for it now. Tears came again, and her body went limp under his hold.

"Can I trust you to be quiet if I take my hands off you?" he asked gently.

Okay, she thought. Maybe he's not going to kill me.

She gulped, then nodded her head minutely.

The man lifted his hand from her mouth, but kept his arm across her. "My name is Curtis. I'm with the Aquila Resistance."

Jayna was dumbfounded. Her eyes widened, but she couldn't speak. So it was true.

"You're Jayna Proctor, correct?" Curtis continued.

Again, Jayna nodded.

"Okay. Good."

He stood up, grabbing Jayna's wrists as he did. She stood before him, not believing he was actually there. He had strong features, with a hard jawline and defined brow, but his eyes were soft and revealing. Jayna felt strangely safe all of a sudden -- but she didn't wholly trust that feeling yet.

"What are you going to do with me?" she managed, her voice small and cracking.

Curtis smiled. "I'm going to take you somewhere safe. We know where your brother and mother are being kept. We can help you rescue them."

She couldn't believe what he was saying. She didn't want it to, but hope rose in her stomach regardless. Jake...mother...

"But...why me?" she asked.

"Because of your father," Curtis replied, his face becoming stony and serious. "We also know where he is. And we want you to help us get him."

Of course. Her father, the betrayor. They would want him, all right, and everything he knew. Would she be able to face him, to ask him why he did it? Would she really be able to deal with whatever horrible truths had lain unsaid between them, up until now? Ghosts, memories, all there to be mourned, but only if she allowed them to become ghosts, memories.

Yes. She could face him. And it would be glorious.

"Show me the way," she said.

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